Monday, May 15, 2006

Que Horor!

You know how when you were little your mom would wrap you up in, like, ten layers of clothing and put vicks on the bottom of your feet before she put your socks on and you were like "Moooommm, it's the summer time! I'm hot!" and she would reply "Hot, que nada. I don't need you catching pneumonia or a sun burn! Cover yourself!" and you would sweat and sweat and sweat, almost passing out from a heat stroke, but not say anything because then you would get the chancla? Yeah, that doesn't happen to white people. Look at La Britney. I think Sean P. is dead in the back of the car. He's all uncovered, getting a sunburn, and whiplash. My mother would NOT approve.


Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Word. I had not seen that picture yet. That is absolutely awful. Poor baby.

-La Ley

Anonymous said...

That baby needs to go on a diet, yo!!! Seriously - I am concerned about his ugly little pig face health.

- La Curly