Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Just Aiiiight For Me

I don't know what has come over me, but I'm obsessed with American Idol like a freaking twelve year old girl. It's not like it's even a good season. It's Season 5 for Christ's sake. You'd think I would have moved on to some other reality basura like Top Chef. But no, I'm still watching the idol. You watch the show through all the crap competitors to get to the final 5 when people are actually good and, along the way, the producers have some how manipulated you into actually caring who wins!

My money is on Katharine McPhee. That's right, I think I have a fucking low grade McPhever. It's like the Avian Flu. I didn't want it, I just got it. I honestly think that Katharine is really affected and suffers from that child star with a pushy stage mother thing. I don't know what it is, but she sets off my Bitchdar. Maybe I hate her because she's pretty and skinny. But, I guess I can say that she's the most interesting to watch and I can hardly wait to see if she sticks her foot in it again. It's like she's my abusive boyfriend or something. Honestly, once she sang the Aretha Franklin classic "Till You Come Back To Me"- it was over. I was hooked on the McPipe. So Kat, you'd better pull through because I actually picked up my phone and voted for you last night, even though you embarrassed me by writhing on the ground while singing your song. "So A, you're phone was busy last night when I tried to call you. What were you doing?" "Oh, I was taking a survey, yeah, a survey and donating money to the Red Cross."

On happy note...the Gods shined down on us today. My favorite idol, the original Kelly Clarkson, dyed her hair back to a color found in nature! I heart you Kelly! Thank you, thank you, thank you for not making us suffer through your washed out blonde rocker look anymore. Since U Been Gonnnnnnneeeee!


Cristina said...

i have the mcpheever too. and i'm ashamed. boy, am i ashamed.
particularly because when my friends ask me if i'd buy her album, my instinct is to say "well, I LOVE KELLY CLARKSON, DON'T I?!?!"
oh dear lord, i'm part of the pop machine.

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love Kelly Clarkson. I even loved her when she dyed her hair blonde. Because we all make mistakes with highlights every now and then, right? --La Ley

Haps said...

Dude, I was so pissed when that red headed bitch stayed on on Top Chef. She needs to stop being all angry and shit. Eating is fun.

I am obsessed with Kat's version of "Black Horse and a Cherry Tree" (though I wish she would have stood up at some point). And I got solid confirmation today that her parents are CRUIS-AZY, out of control, stage parents.

Yes, KG, we all sometimes make highlight mistakes. I'm enduring a phase right now. Has anyone heard the new Kelly Clarkson Ford song? Fantastic!